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Public Notices

Community  Services

The Community Services Department provides affordable, accessible, integrated and sustainable services to the community of Mkhondo Local Municipality. The department’s objectives and strategies focus on the strategic intent of the Municipality in achieving the vision and mission in line with the identified priority issues and program.

Services Include

  • The law enforcement of road traffic act and register and license motor vehicle, examination of drivers (DLTC) and examination of vehicle (MVTS)
  • The proper management of the disposal of waste within the municipality.
  • Establishment of gardens and parks within the municipality
  • Encouraging the community to participate in sport and establishment of sport facilities within the municipality.
  • Encouraging the community to study by providing them with libraries.

Develop relevant processes

Procedures and guidelines documentations to ensure accountability by both public and municipal officials  and by ensuring availability and existence of:

  • By-laws and policies
  • Asset registers

Assets management system

Keep records of municipal asset for accurate updating, operation and maintenance of landfill site and assets.

Support Cost Recovery:

  • Ensure accountability through municipal by-laws
  • Identify and rectify illegal dumping.

Charge offenders

  • Ensure customer satisfaction by meeting service level agreement.
  • Embark on EPWP projects, COGTA project for waste management and CWP projects.

Corporate  Services

Human Resources

To recruit, capacitate and ensure wellbeing of employees in a safe and sound working environment that promotes sound human relations as well as preventing unnecessary conflict and enhance a healthy relationship between the employer and the employees.

Auxiliary, Archive and Secretariat Services

To ensure efficient secretarial services, proper record keeping as well as proper management and operation of municipal buildings.

Satellite Offices

To facilitate delivery of services by coordinating all resources deployed at satellite offices.

Communication and Mayoralty

To inform and educate the public through political and administrative accountability to promote good governance.

Financial  Services

The Finance department ensures effective, efficient and sound Financial Management by improving Audit outcome, Budgeting & Financial reporting, Expenditure & Revenue Management, sound Procurement & ICT processes.


Responsible for processing of payments to eligible creditors who render services to the Municipal employees.


Ensuring Revenue and Financial Management of the Municipality’s revenue, generating business that encompasses billing and collection activities in respect of trading services and property rates levied in accordance with the Municipal systems act, MPRA and MFMA regulations.


To effectively and efficiently administer the process of Municipal Budget compilation and Financial reporting in accordance with MFMA Regulations.

Supply Chain

To appoint service providers per request for the public in accordance with municipal SCM Policy, MFMA daily. Coordinade all Bid Committees for mkhondo Municipality within MP303 as per MFMA quartely.

Information Technology

To ensure and facilitate the effective use of Information Technology for the Municipality within a secure environment.


To ensure objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve the organization’s operations. Assists the organization by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of Risk management control and governance processes.

Planning & Development

The Planning and Development Services Department of Mkhondo Local Municipality seeks to assist the municipality achieve its vision by doing the following:

  • To coordinate Spatial Planning and Land Use Management Services and provide building development control practices in line with relevant legislation and policies of the municipality to ensure sustainable development.
  • To provide support to the human settlements initiatives and priorities of the provincial government by allocating sites for housing development, registering beneficiaries, conducting consumer education and assist in monitoring the housing development projects.
  • To co-ordinate the Integrated Development Planning (IDP) processes, Local Economic Development (LED), Comprehensive Rural Development Programme (CRDP) and promote tourism initiatives within Mkhondo Municipality.

Technical   Services

Provisioning of Infrastructure Development, Maintenance and Service delivery to ensure sustainable services to all community.

Roads and Storm waters

Provide, monitor and maintain both gravel and tarred roads, storm water systems as per bill of Rights governed by the constitution of the Republic.


Provide, monitor and maintain electricity supply, in eMkondo and Amsterdam daily in MP303 as per bill of Rights governed by the constitution of the Republic.

Water and Sanitation

Provide 26.2Ml of Potable water in Piet Retief, Driefontein, Amsterdam and Rural daily in MP303 as per bill of Rights governed by the constitution of the Republic. Provide, monitor and maintain water supply, in eMkondo, Amsterdam and Driefontein daily in MP303 as per Water Service Act 107 of 1997 and MFMA. Provide, monitor and maintain both dry and wet sanitation as per bill of Rights governed by the constitution of the Republic.


Implement infrastructure projects, Manage conditional grants.Manage the implementation of infrastructure projects using conditional grants namely; INEP, MIG etc.

Service Delivery Charter

Services We Provide

Municipal Managers Office

1.1. Performance Management System
Monitor and evaluate performance agreements specifying the KPA, CCR, COC & CMC for each sections 54 & 56 employees

  • Monitor and evaluate performance plans
  • Facilitating the development of Departments, Branch or Section scorecards
  • Facilitating and developing of individual performance plans and personal development plans
  • Giving guidance and advice on the application of the appraisal system, and conducting training/ workshops on the appraisal system.
  • Explaining qualitative and quantitative outcomes, elaborating on reasoning and/ or the need for alignment with respect to specific objectives and measures.
  • Conduct  quarterly performance reviews
  • Conduct annual performance reviews

1.2. Internal Audit

  • Develop one service audit plan for all departments in Mkhondo Local Municipality annually as per MFMA; International Standards for the professional Practice of Internal Auditing, National Treasury Risk, and Internal audit Framework, king 111, Internal Audit Charter
  • Render Audit services for Mkhondo Local Municipality in all departments as per the Internal Audit Charter, International Standard for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing on quarterly basis
  • Conduct Follow-up on prior Audits for Mkhondo LM in the MP303 as per the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing on monthly/ quarterly basis.

1.3. Legal Services and Properties

  • Render legal advice & opinions per need for Mkhondo LM within MP303 daily.
  • Draft municipal agreements and or vet agreements
  • Review and monitor lease agreement
  • Manage and monitor municipal contracts.
  • Draft by-laws to ensure compliance with the customized affairs of the Municipality.
  • Facilitate allocation of sites for community within MP303 as and when required per Municipal Property Rates Act, 6 of 2004.
  • Coordinate maintenance of Municipal buildings within MP303 as and when required per Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003
  • Identify and monitor land for sale to community within MP303 as and when required per MMFA

1.4. Forestry

  • Manage and maintain municipal forestry
  • Manage a sustainable forest that is socially acceptable, environmentally friendly and economically viable.

Planning and Development

2.1. IDP
2.2. LED unit

  • Coach and facilitate economic development training activities for SMME’s, Co-Ops, and Youth & Women as guided by the National LED Framework/MSA within 30 working days.
  • Provide quality guidance, advice and information to clientele community as guided by the MSA / National LED Framework on daily basis.
  • Create access to economic initiatives and support programmes for the community as per MSA / National LED Framework on daily basis.
  • Annual coordinate LED initiatives for integrated planning with Government Sector Department & Private Sector as guided by MSA/National LED Framework.

2.3. Tourism
2.4. CRDP

2.5. Town Planning

  • Capture data as per spatial references in five Working days after receiving the Surveyor general approval
  • Perform building inspections on new buildings in one working day after logged request
  • Inspect and follow up reported contraventions in two working days to comply with the legislation and by laws
  • Supply requested building copies in one working day
  • Supply occupation certificate as per approved and inspect building in two working days.
  • Assist and  Resolve the request for temporal land use in five working day
  • Consider development applications for community within MP303 daily as per Town Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986
  • Establish townships for community within MP303 as and when required per Town Planning and Townships Ordinance, 1986.
  • Enforce appropriate land use daily for community within MP303 as per Piet Retief Town Planning Scheme, 1980.

2.6. Building Control

  • Consider building plans per request for community within MP303 daily as per National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act 103 of 1977 as amended
  • Inspect buildings/structures per request for community within MP303 daily as per National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act 103 of 1977 as amended
  • Consider demolition of buildings per request for community within MP303 daily as per National Building Regulations and Building Standards Act 103 of 1977 as amended

2.7 Human Settlement

  • Register housing needs or community within MP303 quarterly as per National Housing Act, 107 of 19 Review and adopt Housing Sector Plan to determine allocation for community within MP303 annually as per Housing Act, 107 Constitution Chapter 2 1997
  • Submit subsidy request report for community within MP303 annually as per Constitution Chapter 2 1997
  • Conduct Consumer education for community within MP303 annually as per National Housing Code Act 107, 1997

Technical Services

3.1 Water

  • Provide 26.2Ml of Potable water in Piet Retief, Driefontein, Amsterdam and Rural daily in MP303 as per bill of Rights governed by the constitution of the Republic.
  • Provide, monitor and maintain water supply, in eMkondo, Amsterdam and Driefontein daily in MP303 as per Water Service Act 107 of 1997 and MFMA

3.2 Sanitation

  • Provide, monitor and maintain both dry and wet sanitation as per bill of Rights governed by the constitution of the Republic.

3.3 Roads and Storm Water

  • Provide, monitor and maintain both gravel and tarred roads, storm water systems as per bill of Rights governed by the constitution of the Republic.

3.4. Electrical Service

  • Provide, monitor and maintain electricity supply, in eMkondo and Amsterdam daily in MP303 as per bill of Rights governed by the constitution of the Republic.

3.5 PMU

  • Implement infrastructure projects
  • Manage conditional grants
  • Manage the implementation of infrastructure projects using conditional grants namely; INEP, MIG etc.

Community Services

4.1 Waste Management

  • Collect all household waste once per week in a section as per the national waste management act and by-laws
  • Maintain a Clean and healthy environment as per the municipal waste management by-laws


  • Promote of sport and culture development for the MP303 community, municipal staff and sector department as per the national sport and recreational plan
  • Render library services as per the national library of South Africa Act and Public/community library manual

4.2 Fire and Rescue

  • Prevent fire daily in all wards and communities of MP303 as per the fire Act
  • Prevent and assess disaster daily in all wards and communities of MP303 as per the disaster management Act
  • Save lives and protect property as required in communities of MP303 as per the fire Act and OHS Act

4.3 Licensing

  • Test motor vehicles for roadworthiness and issue roadworthy certificate as per the application for the public as per the SABS 10047 and SANS 1026
  • Test of learners’ license and driver’s license applications as per K53 requirements
  • Issue of learners’ driver’s license to public as per application, NRTA Act 93 of 1996.
  • Register of motor vehicle and issue license disc as per the NRTA 93 of 1996, as per application
  • Issue of a driver’s license card as per the NRTA Act 93 of 1996

4.4 Traffic

  • Enforce traffics laws to all wards as per NRTA Act 93 of 1996 at MP303 daily to all road users
  • Attend to accidents to all wards as per NRTA 93 of 1996 to all road users of MP303 daily
  • Escort abnormal vehicles through town Mkhondo as per NRTA 93 of 1996 daily
  • Conduct Road safety campaigns to all wards as per NRTA 93 of 1996 to all road users of MP303 as per schedule


5.1 Expenditure

  • Pay service providers as per invoice received in MP303 in accordance with MFMA, within 30days
  • Pay salaries to all employees of MP303 as stipulated by the Condition of basic employment Act, Employment Equity Act, Municipal Finance Management Act and Municipal Systems Act, monthly
  • Pay third parties within MP303 according to the Pension Acts, Medical aid scheme Act. Monthly
  • Submit VAT 201 returns to SARS of MP303 as per invoices paid in accordance with Value Added Tax Act monthly.
  • Submit EMP 201 return reports to SARS as per salaries paid in accordance with SARS Act, Monthly
  • Reconcile bank and general ledger per transaction for municipality in MP303 in compliance with MFMA and NCA monthly.
  • Control all payment vouchers of expenditure division within MP303 in accordance with record and archive management Act daily

5.2 Supply Chain Management

  • Appoint service providers per request for the public in accordance with Municipal SCM Policy, MFMA daily.
  • Manage assets for the public within MP303 as per MFMA annually
  • Manage supplier database from the public as per Municipal Systems Act, PPPFA, annually.
  • Educate all service providers about standard requirements i as per PPPFA, as per need.
  • Procure stock materials as per schedule in compliance with SCM Regulations daily.
  • Issue stock & Material for Mkhondo Municipality within MP303 as per MFMA regulation 2003 daily.
  • Coordinate all Bid Committees for Mkhondo Municipality within MP303 as per MFMA quarterly

5.3. Revenue

  • Register all qualifying Indigent households in the community under MP303, according to the MFMA, RSA Constitution & Indigent Policy of Mkhondo LM annually.
  • Provide Customer Care to community within MP303 as per Batho Pele White Paper 1997, RSA Constitution, daily.
  • Allocate all payments from community within MP303 as per MFMA Banking and Cash Management Policy daily.
  • Bill all consumers within MP303 as per MFMA monthly.

5.4. Budget

  • Compile a municipal budget as per MFMA and RSA Constitution Budget policy for Mkhondo Municipality within MP303 annually.
  • Coordinate all operational plans annually as per RSA Constitution Budget time schedule of deadlines for Mkhondo Municipality within MP303
  • Reviewed RSA Constitution budget related policies annually as per MFMA legislation for Mkhondo Municipality within MP303

5.5. Reporting

  • Compile monthly section 71 reports for Mkhondo Municipality within MP303
  • Compile quarterly MFMA section 52(d) for Mkhondo Municipality within MP303
  • Manage monthly investment accounts for Mkhondo Municipality as per MFMA legislation & RSA Constitution investment policy within MP303

Corporate Services

6.1 Mayoralty and Communications

  • Coordinate all integrated youth development programmes for the community within MP 303 as per National Youth Development Act No 19 1996 and Constitution of the RSA daily
  • Develop and implement Communication Strategy for 19 Wards of MP 303 in compliance with the PAIA, Constitution and MFMA annually.
  • Manage internal and external communication of all Municipal employees and 19 Wards of MP 303 in accordance with PAIA, Constitution and MFMA daily.
  • Coordinate referrals and petitions received from the Presidency, Provincial Legislature and Public Protector within MP 303 in compliance with Public Protector Act, Promotion Access to Information Act, RSA Constitution Batho Pele Principles daily.
  • Improve public participation to all 19 Ward Committees and community of the Municipality of MP 303 as and as per the Municipal Structures Act, RSA Constitution and Batho Pele Principles monthly.
  • Develop and monitor implementation of Ward Operational Plans within the Municipality of MP 303 in compliance Municipal Structures Act, RSA Constitution and Batho Pele Principles annually Transversal Target Groups
  • Coordinate all target groups programmes (youth disability woman & children elderly HIV & AIDS) for the community within MP303 daily

6.2. Secretariat, Auxiliary and Records

  • Clean all the municipal buildings to keep a hygienic environment for councilors, officials and the community at large
  • Attend the reception area as per the Batho Pele principles
  • Lease halls to the Councilors, officials and Community as per the municipal by-law

6.3 Human Resource Management

  • Appoint employees per need from the public daily as per Recruitment Policy, Employment Equity Act. Systems Act
  • Coordinate training to staff and councilors within MP303 daily as per skills development act.
  • Ensure health and safety workplace to the community within MP303 daily as per the Occupational Health and Safety Acts, Compensation for injuries and diseases act.

6.4 Satellite Offices

  • Coordinate all activities of the satellite offices of Mkhondo Local Municipality.
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